

From Rabbi Blog

Revision as of 22:03, 21 March 2009 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs) (New page: I have no idea if this will go anywhere and the concept came from listening to Adam Curry on No Agenda. =Idea= Premise: parse Twitter feed using Perl, utilize Text2Wav (Festival) to conve...)
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I have no idea if this will go anywhere and the concept came from listening to Adam Curry on No Agenda.


Premise: parse Twitter feed using Perl, utilize Text2Wav (Festival) to convert to a wav file and then LAME encode the result to mp3.

Audio Result


Text Origin

  • Things such as 'h t t p' eventually would be removed.
Oblivion said 15.9 miles down 4.1 to go. 10:59 avg pace. #runners
Phreak said @rabbibob you're playing MW - do i have you on facebook?
rabbibob said @DAVEfromNY that sucks!
justinrussell said It's funny; whenever I go to choose a font for a project, I always end up with the same 4 or 5. Designers, you may start criticizing me now.
chrismarquardt said Voll gut!
DAVEfromNY said WTF?!?! First day of spring it snows, then the second day of spring my furnace dies! Somehow I blame that damn groundhog for all this!
dashdrum said Free lunch from @gentryart at 9 Irish Brothers Pub
rabbibob said @Phreak @tomit I'm slightly addicted to MW atm
Phreak said @tomit i think i am, yes.  i had about five invites, i accepted them all
tomit said @Phreak I catch the blame for MW's from everyone!  You part of my mafia?
cc_chapman said Great video by @cmajor - SXSW in 2 Words -
tomit said Added commenting to what will be my main blog. Much more work to do on it though.
Oblivion said - 9.75 miles. I lost a glove. Crap.
Phreak said way to get husband to stay out of the house - tell him he has 50 things to do when he gets home
UberSchwarz said Waiting for @draithon to arrive for a day of picture-taking!
Oblivion said Sweet. Just found a roll of electrical tape on the side of the road. Sunglasses fixed. 8.33 mi 1:34 #runners
Phreak said can't think of what it is i'm supposed to be doing other than playing Mafia Wars - damn @tomit
rabbibob said Erin is all signed up for tee-ball this spring!  Callum unfortunately didn't make the minimum age.
rabbibob said @UberSchwarz  TFTTF 175 white balance vid
Phreak said glad i'm not a redhead
UberSchwarz said Not sure I liked the ending to BSG....
marcapitman said It's sort of depressing to UNLOAD the trash I just loaded into the van. The transfer station is closed on Saturdays until April!
Phreak said tweetdeck was acting the maggot and i had to reinstall - got sick of being locked out of my Twitter account for no good reason
MrTweet said Every user has different purposes for using Twitter, and our aim is to help them do so in the easiest way possible. New posting coming soon!
Oblivion said - Mile 4.5. Feeling good. Beautiful day, @AmandaPalmer in my ears. #runners
Oblivion said Famnm. Just lost the nosepiece to my sunglasses and I forgot spare bandaids.
Shultzman said I don't know why @scottsigler is hating on the BSG ending so much.  I liked it.  Watched it twice.  Had something for everyone.
tomit said I love these splash screens. That is just so funny!!! re:
merlyn said gonna try dialing back on the oxycontin today to find that sweet spot between wooziness and pain.  already down to 60% of max dose
cc_chapman said Dylan at Lacrosse Practice
Shultzman said RT @jayrosen_nyu All credit to the Washington Post for running Chris Mooney's op ed on George Will's global cooling claims
Oblivion said Water planted. Heading out now.
cc_chapman said At my first lacrosse practice with Dylan. Can't wait for the games. Fun sport.
UberSchwarz said yeah, you can nest arrays in certain languages.  Its pretty slick
Oblivion said Would anyone be interested in tracking my run with Google Latitude? Gmail oblivion9999 if interested. #runners
Oblivion said Out stashing water for my 20 miles. About 2 hours behind schedule. Feh. #runners
dashdrum said Listening to the SXSW 2009 Showcasing Artists download - set 3.  This is a very eclectic mix of music.  I figured it would all be indie.
dashdrum said RT @mjasay: “Facebook is for those you used to know, Twitter is for those who you will know.”(via Aaron Asay)
rabbibob said @UberSchwarz If it works, you'll get a kick out of what I'm going to do with it.
rabbibob said @UberSchwarz I'm accessing info the array supplied from an existing Perl module (Net::Twitter). I hadn't seen [Array[Array{Hash}]] before.
Oblivion said Forerunner 305 fixed. Needed to delete all Courses on unit and resend. Had previously seen a "Database Error" on the unit. #runners
Oblivion said Bah! Getting delayed on my 20 miles because my Forerunner 305 will not load the Course I made for it after I tweaked it a bit. #runners
marcapitman said Oh joy! Girl Scouts were selling cookies at the supermarket today! I DO get my fix this year!
Smorgy said Off to bed... talking in the dark about travel memories
UberSchwarz said Trying to research White Balance.
dashdrum said I think I'm the youngest person here - except for the staff.
UberSchwarz said @rabbibob what's the purpose of the array?
rabbibob said Implemented.  my $location=$timeline[0][0]{'user'}{'location'};   Now off to start my morning.
chrismarquardt said Evil Eye
rabbibob said Perlmonks are great (re: a helpful lot).  I have notes now and will look at the AoAoH later.
CPANr said Getopt::Long - Parse long and short command line options in a convenient way.
cc_chapman said Up and at them. Busy morning of Lacrosse and Drama.
cc_chapman said 100 liters of H2O donated for every follower of @WorldH2O @chlorine & Facebook group member #WWD09 #worldwaterday
DucSloerie said Is this Twitter working?
rabbibob said Befuddled by the array type I'm currently staring at and how to handle it correctly vs building a crescent hammer to deal with it.
Smorgy said Havent tweeted much today.. had a nice lazy day with @fortheinsane
rabbibob said @uberschwarz @draithon short HDR bit discussed on TFTTF #346
drewdomkus said unless some sort of miracle happens, looks like all the important files on the iRiver are really gone. total fail on my part. i'm so pissed.
merlyn said Almost gave up on #Dollhouse, but tonight's episode drew me in. Deep conspiracies, nice. Send me more, quickly!
jluscious said Another crazy night. Counting down the hours to my weened!
YvoLaLu said It says "Von Iva. Period."- Anna pointing @yvolalu lack of a bra
drewdomkus said i stupidly and accidentally formatted an iRiver IFP-790. if anyone knows of any magical way to recover the files, please get in touch. #fb
closedblueyes said "There are three flowers in the vase and one of them is green." Holy shit, tonight's Dollhouse was awesome.
rosicrux said first real bbq of the season.  Bison steak, shrimp, zucchini, and fresh corn on thje cob all on the grill to kick it off
jessicamullen said hanging out w @adranchjason + @cynthiaisgr8  about 2 record... + got today's ep up finally!
fortheinsane said @tomit 6 seasons, awesome, so depressing but awesome
tomit said @fortheinsane I think I want to try and watch that show now that we don't have BSG. How many seasons did it have?
darthvader said Trust me, it's *not* impossible, just highly improbable. Speaking of improbable, as a boy, I built C-3PO.
fortheinsane said Watching six feet under
wootsellout said $69.99 : Wizcom Quictionary 2 Premium Scanning Pen
woot said $19.99 : Tornado USB Data Transfer with PC Eraser
darthvader said If you're stinging from the BSG spoilers on Twitter, maybe this will take some of the edge off - I am Luke's father.
marcapitman said RT @starfocus: “"Did you sleep well?" "No, I made a couple of mistakes”- Stephen Wright : Hope everyone sleeps well! :)
toyotaboy said @arnell: are you trying to get @comcastcares attention?
tomit said Thinking that I am just going to start using my blog even though I'm still working on it. May push me to work faster.
ambermacarthur said RT @chrisdick - Twitter is like cable, so many channels and nothing on! (Yeah, but like cable, not ready to cut the cord just in case - AM)
DAVEfromNY said Lee went to take a bath and there was no hot water. Turns out our boiler bit the dust :-( Gonna be a cold night and an expen$ive weekend!
Arnell said Comcast is out AGAIN!!!  Man they suck!!!
MuyLani said ah! look at the time. gotta get something to eat before I pick up Olie from her Granny's
closedblueyes said @MuyLani I've gone to a sushi place alone before. It's not terrible, but definitely not as fun as going with friends.
drewdomkus said got word that our new shirts will be ready on tuesday, then i'll process them for delivery. sorry for the delay!
MuyLani said @closedblueyes yes! sushi sounds delicious right now but it's no fun to eat alone :-(
marcapitman said Check out this Twitter map THIS is what I wished LinkedIn offered.
closedblueyes said STARVING for sushi.
marcapitman said RT @kanter: @sproutbuilder @carnet is on my map at about 2 PM right above @dnwallace and next to @marcapitman
marcapitman said New personal blog: Out of the mouth of babes: This morning, I told job Caleb to stop talking. ..
jessicamullen said change of plans - i now cordially invite you to buy me a drink at longbranch tonight.
justinrussell said Funny how a fairly small traffic change still costs a million bucks to complete. It's a good change, though.
jntracks said Last tweet was screaming audience from my view. Not enough lite but they got excited about net fame
LeoLaporte said The side-effects for screening are minimal. The PSA is a blood test that can be done along with other screenings... re:
jluscious said Good for you Enzo...dominate that ducky!!!
jessicamullen said lol anyone want to go to cover 3 with us for dinner and drinks?
gentryart said Added more paintings to the site,  check out the profile dashdrum wrote for me!
jluscious said Can't seem to shake the tiredness lately... Just exhausted
dashdrum said Can't fit my thought into 140 characters, so forget it!

Fetch Code

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Twitter;

my $twit = Net::Twitter->new({username=>"user", password=>"password" });

my $last_id=1363944982;  #work this out later

my @timeline = $twit->friends_timeline({count => 200, since_id => $last_id });

my $timeline;
#my $location=$timeline[0][0]{'user'}{'location'};

my $i;
while ($timeline[0][$i])
    my $location=$timeline[0][$i]{'user'}{'location'};
    my $screenname=$timeline[0][$i]{'user'}{'screen_name'};
    my $msg=$timeline[0][$i]{'text'};
    print "$screenname said $msg\n";

#Perlmonks - Thanks to wfsp on the AoAoH help
#[wfsp]: my $source = $data->[0][0]{ source}
#[wfsp]: my $location = $data->[0][0]{user }{location}
#[Rabbi Bob]: ah, thank you very much

Fetch Result

results in (chopped)

$VAR1 = [
              'source' => 'web',
              'favorited' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
              'truncated' => $VAR1->[0][0]{'favorited'},
              'created_at' => 'Sat Mar 21 10:27:17 +0000 2009',
              'text' => '@uberschwarz @draithon short HDR bit discussed on TFTTF #346',
              'user' => {
                          'location' => 'Behind you...',
                          'followers_count' => 99,
                          'profile_image_url' => '',
                          'protected' => $VAR1->[0][0]{'favorited'},
                          'name' => 'Rabbi Bob',
                          'url' => '',
                          'id' => 2955291,
                          'description' => 'degradable',
                          'screen_name' => 'rabbibob'
              'in_reply_to_user_id' => 3708131,
              'id' => 1365343447,
              'in_reply_to_status_id' => undef,
              'in_reply_to_screen_name' => 'UberSchwarz'