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Revision as of 10:46, 6 May 2007

A few years back, the big craze was burning 'wood pellets', but now, [burning corn? After weighing the options and the current climbing prices of oil, we're giving this a go as our main source of heat in the house.

Pictured below is our PelPro GlowBoy cornstove, purchased from [Field to Flue], which burns both wood and corn.

Of course, we had to put together some sort of containment unit for the corn and I came up with the below that I just finished last weekend, a 4'x4'x4' box. It sits 4" off the floor, two doors that open up cabinet style and the front half of the top is removable (makes it easy to load to the back of the box) when the front doors are open.

From memory:

   * 3 sheets of plywood
   * 8 2x4"
   * 3 4x4" pressure treated (maybe excessive)
   * 4 hinges
   * 1 latch
   * 1 box of nails

I couldn't find the sales receipt this morning, however it was roughly $150 and a weekend to put together. Had fun doing it and if you're bored, you can tell your nieces and nephews that if they misbehave, the box is for them. In the next two weeks we'll pick up our first ton, so that'll be the final test to see if the dimensions all work out.

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